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Zycus Infotech Interview Questions
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There is a web portal that has been tested and working properly. Now a new module called as the "online shopping module" had been added. Ther are two search pages , a normal search and an advanced search page. You are responsible for only these two modules for testing Questions 1) Write the scope for testing 2)High level test scenarios 3)Test case for one high level test scenario 4) Assumptions while writing the test case 5) Questions that u might need to ask as a QA to test the application NOTE- the requiremnts wont be given. One has to assume the requirements Please tell me how to test a search page and also please help me answer the above questions

2 12402

Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% . How much the percentage of area will be increased

11 39262

City A population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 per year City B having population 42000 increasing at a rate of 120 per Year. In how many years both the cities will have same population

5 27684

main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); } what is the output?

7 25275

write 3 main test cases for excel sheet?

4 25232

write 3 test cases on railway reservation system

13 68392

write 3 test cases on ATM for security purpose

8 27532

write 3 test cases on MSWORD

8 33474

what is class/object diagram

3 11889

can u draw class/object diagram for ATM


write the test cases on prime number with result?

6 34583

You attempt to query the data base with this command: SELECT name, salary FROM employee WHERE salary=(SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE last name='Wagner' OR dept no=233) Choose most appropriate option from the following: 1)Sub-queries are not allowed in the where clause. 2)a multiple row sub-query used with a single row comparison operator. 3)a single row query is used with a multiple row comparison operator.

10 15750

write a function that takes an integer array as an input and finds the largest number in the array. You can not sort array or use any API or searching needs?

2 12796

I am new to Testing , my question is Integration Testing is a BlockBox Testing or White box testing ? please give me a answer .....

7 13012

How to hack someone's yahoo or gmail account? what can be the test cases for the same.


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State Laws Of Conservation Of Energy?


Tell me what could be the reasons for a system to have gone blank and how would you debug it?


What is oracle rownum?


Can python be multithreaded?


What are the features of pl sql?


Can we deploy jar file in tomcat?


Can you discuss the role of genetic testing in identifying hereditary neuromuscular diseases?


What are the differences between pyramid, django, and flask?


What is beyond compare used for?


What is GUI?


Why more redos are generated when the oracle database is in begin backup mode?


What is the difference between echo, print and printf()?


Why we use anonymous methods in c#?


What is the use of ordinal identifier in qtp?


Lowest Common ancestor in a Binary Search Tree and Binary Tree.