IN L1 Support When a Client Faced A problem and problem is not resolved then how do you passfy the Cleint
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Tell me what is “google suggest” or “autocomplete”?
What are the types of stored procedures?
How do you right click in excel using the keyboard? to fetch a value and Execute store procudure in mysql(INNODB) using phpMyAdmin? 2.can i wright a package in mysql database(INNODB)?
What is cdi in jsf?
Explain ms sql server reporting services vs crystal reports?
I have cleared SBT clerk exam and having interview on 29.I have completed my in IT.I would like to know the types of questions asked in the interview.
How will you create a pills navigation menu?
What is abap?
What is dose dumping? why require to do?
How to connect to different pega applications?
Explain confirmed dimensions. When are they used?
why the NGR (neutral grounding resistor) always OFF during DG off?
Explain the procedure to pass a variable by value in wordpress?
At the core of our practice are our patients. How do you rate your skills working with patients?