Explain in detail what are the procedure and calculations involved for accuracy (%Recovery)in method validation?
1 6099How do we quantify crystaline and amarpous forms by using (NMR, XRD)spectroscopic techniques? Which any others instruments are useful for this quantification? explain
2043Post New Vimta Labs Interview Questions
What is the target antigen for breast cancer?
How long does compatibility take?
What is wordpress good for?
What is main string [] args?
Explain how to save silverlight uielements into an image?
What's the difference between servlets and applets?
What is domain authority?
What is the use of @service annotation?
What ms powerpoint?
Where is the new functionality in the .net framework 3.0 (such as wcf, wf, wpf, and cardspace) installed to? Is that different from where the .net framework 2.0 is installed to?
What is the effect on the coefficients of logistic regression if two predictors are highly correlated? What are the confidence intervals of the coefficients?
What is the architecture of your project? Can any one answer for this question plz........
What is the use of the sap hybris customer service module?
Is node.js is free?
Explain finance committee with the help of flow chart?