Suppose you are adding a new field in a map, and that field should also be added as a new column in DB2 table. How do you implement this? what is the impact analysis u will do?
2 7347Suppose your program is reading a Sequential Vsam file. The file contains 10 records. How will you code the JCL to read only 2nd, 5th, 7th,and 10th record?
1 7927pf7 and pf8 logic. first wnen i press pf7 first five records has to be displayed .second time when i press pf7 next five records to be displayed. what was the logic. give clear explination.
8 17581Table Order_Name has a column Order_Date which gives the date & Time at which the order is passed.Find the table to write a query to find out the latest order.
5 8169How to enter every month employees salaries in P&L a/c and why we use JOURNAL VOUCHER for salaries?
1 4274what is accounts receivable and accounts payable and how to use accounts receivable and accounts payable?
2 5393how to do aggregation (year wise quantity ) using only source qualifier, the source is sql server date as datetime data type and target as flat file with year (string datatype)
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Why is html5 so popular nowadays?
How to hide certain columns from a user?
What are the 3 categories of operating systems?
How do I see threads in linux?
why we r opening HOT BYPASS valve during startup of a compressor?
How do I connect to a postgresql database using sql developer?
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What is difference between class and interface in c#?
Explain the Weak-form, semi-strong from and strong-from of Effiency?
What is sap script? Describe its components.
What are the Differences between power save and legacy power save?
whatare the disadvantages occur,if the form factor of transmission will not be equal to 1.11
What is the role of break and continue statements?
How many ways can you set up spring?
Whats oop mean?