What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?
4 28414Post New TCS Interview Questions
Is c# still popular?
How are the k-nearest neigh-bors (knn) algorithms different from k-means clustering?
if login in the suse linux the yast application only appearing on the scren. If we closing the screen it comes to log out. What is the procedure to customize the desktop?
bill to addres? ship to addres? rimit to address?
What are the applications of op-amps?
Explain the construction and pros of using plasma screens.
Mention the content that is present inside a PPT ?
In sap bw/bi, what are the main areas and activities?
How do you calculate record size of an alternate cluster?
What are Accumulators?
How do I fix error code 0xc0000142 in windows 10?
What are word xp/2003 task panes in ms word?
What is normalization? How many normalization forms are there?
1.why dont use top of page. wat is the use? 2. wat is sub screen? 3. why u select the session method in bdc ? how many records wil be updated on that time? 4.why dont use start form in script? 5.wat is difference b/w dilldown and interactive report? 6. wat is pf status interactine report?