What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?
4 28414Post New TCS Interview Questions
Is hadoop a etl tool?
if you fix salary to some body for Rs.10000/- what are the segregations to be done and what are the deductions to be done (segregations like basic, da,ta,conveyance etc., how ? what percentage what speaks law) and deductions what are those like, pf,esi,pt, etc., what ever
Discuss venturimeter?
How to set the time zone for MySQL to particular country time?
What is jenkinsfile?
How do I create a dll file in notepad?
the maximum length of a character constant can be a) 1 character b) 8 characters c) 256 chaacters d) 125 characters
If I do business in europe, do I need to get listed on local search engines and directories?
Explain why is peoplesoft no longer supporting apache jserv?
What happens if you add a new index to large table?
What is initial scale?
What is the common table function for grouping data?
Describe major components of db2?
What is the use of set nocount on/off statement?
What are modules in spring?