What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?
4 28453Post New TCS Interview Questions
why we use dmr model in cognos report studio ? give me difference between dmr model and relational model.
Mention what daemons run on a master node and slave nodes?
A DP transmitter is used to measure the level of an open tank. The drain line of the tank is connected to a control valve, and is configured as, if the level of the tank is 90% the valve should get open 10%. And if the tank level is 10%, the valve should get open 90%. Draw wiring diagram and explain how to configure DP transmitter and control valve using HART communicator. If the span error at output is 1%, what will be the %opening of the control valve at 60% level of the tank?
What is serialization and deserialization in java programming?
Explain the horner's syndrome?
What is a pizza box in terms of google?
What is a gateway? Is there any difference between a gateway and router?
For transporting data in the cloud, how you can you best secure data?
Order the following from the largest taxonomic group to the smallest group: order, genus, kingdom, class, family, species?
Which media is used to dissolve polysaccharide extracts?
What are the advantages of defining packages in java?
What is difference between merge and saveorupdate in hibernate?
How many tables default wordpress have? Can you name those default wordpress table?
What is currentthread()?
What is injectors?