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TCS Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 503458

Describe a complex problem you have solved or haven't solved?

9 38852

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 60698

What are your Greatest strengths and weaknesses?

47 179102

What do you expect of others in a team environment?

12 35010

How do you establish working relationships with new people?

11 41471

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 52720

what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 108419

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?

10 55467

What is your biggest strength ?

23 63199

what is tracebility matrix?

8 24882

what is test plan and what it consists?

15 58678

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

11 22717

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

3 8290

What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?

4 28063

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TCS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of unix operating system?


Why does JComponent have add() and remove() methods but Component does not?


Differentiate between hashset and treeset.


What is jsp action tags?


What are the Key components in automation incorporated frameworks?


What is yield statement in ruby.


Define and explain about COM?


Why should you show Client/Engineer activities clearly on the project plan?


What ate the Types of data items?


Explain bernoulli’s theorem.


Explain what is the difference between olap and datawarehosue?


What is boxing and unboxing in c#?


Explain how do you think google is training data for self-driving cars?


What skills are required for data analytics roles?


What is the function of the transport system and workbench organizer?