What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?
4 28486Post New TCS Interview Questions
Write a SQL command to insert and update only a particular field?
what is your daily schedule?
What is seismic tomography?
What is the difference between electronic regulator and ordinary rheostat regulator for fans?
if any one attended caterpillar placement pls send the model questions and the question pattern.....
What is a lean implementation in fi-aa? : fi- asset accounting
Are you involved in writing the inferential analysis plan? Tables specifications?
What is meant by virtual directory?
What are the principles of object-oriented programming(oop)?
What is cursor in pl sql?
Test a file replication service that copies files from one net location to another
What is the extension of a release?
What equipments are needed for voip?
Why functions are used in sql server?
armstrong number by using php while number is given by the keyboard.?