your perception on ayodhya issue ? the decision given by high court is it right ? why ? why not? What should be right decision ?
1296if you were required to organise a team and execute the mountain climbing task,where would you like to be ? and why what all the activities you would take responsibility ?
1243Post New SSB Interview Questions
What are the main components of backbone.js ?
What is art compilation?
What is the mening of uidnvhe.?
a table has 2 classifications 1)liabilities 2)earnings this liabitity has 2 elements with 2 input values and the earnings have 2 elements with 2 input values i wrote a query so that my input is liability savings amount1 amount2 xxxx null xxxxxx 0 xxx1 null xxxxx1 0 null yyyy 0 yyyy null yyy1 0 yyy1 my problem is --when i developed a report(d2k) with this data my o/p is liabilities,amount1,savings,amount2 xxxx xxxxxx xxx1 xxxxx1 yyyy yyyy yyy1 yyy1 how could i move this savings,savings values 2 palces up. can any body provide me witha better solution
What is the structure of cscl and give the co-ordination number of Cscl?
What are action classes in struts?
How do you implement one to many relationships in hibernate?
What is the Branch Accountant Responsbilities ?
What is stl stack?
What is a shrink wrapped product?
Instrumentation Safe Guarding test. How to determine the interval time of the test. eg:Halfyearly,Every year,Every three years etc.
How do you handle null values?
Describe the disadvantage of cookies.
what is office automation?
What is ehcache in java?