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Sony Interview Questions
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what is the diff b/w MUTEX and semaphore?

12 20480

Can CMP manage BMP Transaction ? Entity Bean Life Cycle ?

1 5077

As experienced what could be the interview questions based on project? It's urgent

6 45156

how to write code alv with interactive?when i clicked 1field i will generated next-level report,is it possible in alv?

1 5806

how to write my own Action servlet by extending pre-defined Action servlet in struts config.

2 10594

why do you choose ece branch?

51 161620


3 25403

functional spec given by whom?

2 4342

where we do UTP(unit test planing)?and how to write UTP?and who writes UTP?

2 6992

how to use binary search in internal table?what is the use of indexes and secondary indexes?

3 7419

Anybody can tell me, how do we find second largest emp salary from emp table.. Thanks in advance ...

10 12813

Can Container managed Bean-Managed Persistence ?


Can Container Managed Bean-Managed Transaction ?

3 5760

group4 exam deatils?

58 83804

For TV transimission in india we use AM for video and FM for audio. why like this? can we use opposite way?

4 13186

Post New Sony Interview Questions

Sony Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Give an example when your boss is not agreed with u. what did u do?


bakit magkakaiba ng mukha ang tao


How would you style an image or element to have rounded corners?


What is "linq to objects"?


What is the use of generics in c#?


What are three tier systems in etl?


Are 802.11b and 802.11g Compatible? 


but what if you have to create a database with two filegroups, one on drive c and the other on drive d with log on drive e with an initial size of 600 mb and with a growth factor of 15%? : Sql server database administration


What is the synonym of string?


What is disk operating system in computer?


What is the use of logic scripts in sap bpc?


What is ipc quality?


The methods to improve performance of a graph?


What is the basic of java?


Your company code use USD as the company currency. You are trying to post to an account in EUR but get an error message that you can see the problem. What is the reason?( any 1 answer) • The currency maintained in the account master record is USD • The translation rate between EUR and USD is NOT maintained • The only balances in local currency indictor is set in the account. • The account determination for exchange rate difference is missing for the account