unix system is a)multi processing b)multi processing ,multiuser c)multi processing ,multiuser,multitasking d)multiuser,multitasking
7 23608What are the file extensions for per-action, shared object repository files and what is the extension for library files?
9 289931.what is use of touch commnad and chmod 2.Testing inter view there 45 questions. 5 for apititude 20 unix + networking 5 for testing question 10 c or c ++ or java 5 perl or shell scripting +or database 3.what do you know in unix? 4.what is netmask 5.what is stack 6.explain osi model 7.a=10; ++a=a++ Then what is value of a? 8.What is sdlc 9.what is stlc 10.What is ip address/Different classses of Ip address 11.write down test cases how to check computer is in nework or not? 12.what is difference between window 98 and windows 2000 13.How to find ip addess of your computer 14. when we will do risk analysis in test plan?
3 6573Post New Semantic Space Interview Questions
What is gridview in asp.net?
What is call site caching services provided by dlr to clr?
Explain Get and post method?
Does treeset allow duplicates?
Which data type does the rangevalidator control support?
What do you mean by spring beans? What does bean scopes spring support? Explain each.
What is Typecasting ?
What is cart and chaid?
Do closed loops systems require manual input?
Explain how can you debug the Java code?
Explain what is the prerequisites to create an opportunity?
Explain the steps required to design a vapor-liquid separator or flash drum?
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Mention the types of authentications available for sharepoint 2010?
What is the purpose of dictionary in c#?