What are the differences between Get and post methods in form submitting, give the case where we can use get and we can use post methods?
11 19942Suppose your Zend engine supports the mode ?> Then how can u configure your PHP Zend engine to support mode ?
1 4352Post New Rushmore Consultancy PHP Interview Questions
How can i Relate Tables in SSIS
What is YARN?
Difference between Lugs and Thimbles
how is work pressure switch& level switch?what is the principle of this?
Which are the linux directory commands?
how do I troubleshoot daos related database problems?
Sir,please help me out with the code of this question. Write an interactive C program that will encode or decode multiple lines of text. Store the encoded text within a data file, so that it can be retrieved and decoded at any time. The program should include the following features: (a) Enter text from the keyboard, encode the text and store the encoded text in a data file. (b) Retrieve the encoded text and display it in its encoded form. (c) Retrieve the encoded text, decode it and then display the decoded text. (d) End the computation. Test the program using several lines of text of your choice.
What is xsl template?
Can scala learn without java?
What is a scheduled job or what is a scheduled task?
6. When a customer has a problem, shows a sincere interest in solving it
What’s the purpose of resume block?
Can a top level class be private or protected?
Which is the first space shuttle?
Hat are the minimum system requirements to run photoshop?