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Astra Interview Questions
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What is the difference between pH and pKa?

3 15279

If you are made the campaign leader for a particular political party. How will you use your leadership skills to motivate your party men to ensure success of the party men to ensure success of the party nominee in the elections ? (Focus on the individual , motivate and apply leadership style).

2 13674

What is mean by FBT (Fringe Benfit Tax)? How to calculate this?

2 4943

At what frequency does the IF was fixed?

1 3943

what is the main defference between analog and digital circuits?

3 5868

why pooled sample is required in dissolution test?

2 18063

What is the difference between the photochemical reaction and photo-dynamic reaction?


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Un-Answered Questions

What are super servers in client server environment?


Can you explain how python is interpreted.


date format and we should 8 digits - not accepted only /accepted write how many in test cases in the date format valid , and in valid


What is market basket analysis?


What Are The Differences Between Blue Prism And Uipath?


Explain latent dirichlet allocation (lda).


What are the different ways to use different colors for different links or same link?


How would you solve a floated div’s parent height.


can u tell me the promotion from oiller to enginer


Explain what is siebel gateway?


What are the advantages of scala over java (java 8)?


What in case if my house completely damagein, fire or flood,and if I stay in a rented house, will insurance company bear all my additional living expenses? : insurance sales


Explain how far from earth, is the moon?


Why does jmssession.createtopic or jmssession.createqueue fail to create a destination in wls jms 6.1 (it worked in 5.1)? : BEA Weblogic


In our project, we use Withdrawal Indent, we are confused to use heading as "Withdrawal Indent" or "Withdraw Indent". Please suggest me which one to use ASAP, Thanks in advance