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PWC SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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I want to initiate sales order and the Delivery, PGI and Billing should be done automatically without any intervention of end user. How can I do this.

2 7730

I have few deliveries and I want to create invoice for certain batch wise. How can I split invoice based upon batches.

1 4671

What triggers automatic delivery in cash sales & rush order after saving sales order?

1 5019

Is there any way to give certain discounts to first 10 customers (not sales order) per day? (Scenario where flipkart offers discounts to first 10 customers with multiple id per day)

2 5729

Is there any control for credit check in pricing procedure?

1 5310

What are the accounting entries for billing, PGI, Stock Transfer order, Excise invoice, Customer payment?

1 9482

What are the differences between export sales and deemed export sales, explain with all related configuration steps?

2 14521

In a scenario where credit check is active for all customers and company wants to exclude a customer from credit check on a special case, how to do this?

2 5915

What is the control for billing output issue only after accounting entries/released to accounting i.e. if there any error output will not trigger?

1 5379

How can we define Region(as defined by business), Area, Territory, Sales person in SAP.

1 3830

What do you mean by physical inventory management?

1 2550

Post New PWC SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is means by tensorflow?


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Which is used to maintain the value of a variable over different pages?


Why do we need to insert a graphic in a document?


It was a boiling, burning pile of rubble effectively.


exit () is used to a) exit () terminates the execution of the program itself b) exit () terminates the execution of the loop c) exit () terminates the execution of the block d) none of the above


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What is the use of 'entity-relationship' diagram?