What is the difference between alternative calculation type and alternative condition base value?
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How do I send an email message from my ASP.NET page?
Explain the differences between ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe?
Why main method is static in c#?
Does oracle support partitioning of tables in oracle apps?
What is the purpose of form-beans tag in struct-config.xml?
Explain the concept of creating a vertical or basic form in bootstrap.
What is doctype?
What is the purpose of stern tube?
What is the use of history preserving transform?
Is it possible to read pdf through automation anywhere?
What are the important features of a classic load balancer in ec2 ?
What's difference between stack and queue?
What are the important modes of hadoop?
How can I get to know all the active promotions without going to management center?
Describe yourself in 4 words.