1.Whats the use of GNAC(Generator Neutral Accessory Compartment) 2. why generator or any other system require Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding 3. what happens if any one of the phase is grounded. 4. if 15kv is grounded directly what will happen, why it should not be grounded like that 5. use of of NGTR(Neutral Grounding Transformer and Resistor) for grounding is helpfull and how
5 26557Post New Powergear Interview Questions
What is an emotional trigger?
What are the 2 types of parameters in dd statement?
what is Maven artifact?
Which is better oop or procedural?
What is Light Object Mapping?
What is the apache webserver?
How to remove safemode of namenode forcefully in HDFS?
How can you introduce new software qa processes to an existing organization?
What can cause data loss in salesforce?
Explain what is the difference between the expression '++a' and 'a++'?
Clarify what a task tracker is in hadoop?
How do I create an xsl file for an xml file?
What is route guard in angular?
What happens if connection is not closed in jdbc?
What are the different kinds of actions in struts?