sir if we make purchase and sale for the same pary for the same amount what adjusting entry have to be passed to close that entry in tally. while taking bill wise details we can see the dr. cr.and have to cancell that
2 7866Post New Optimus Interview Questions
What is the difference between flask and django?
What makes python object-oriented?
What is sedimentologists?
How do I move a wordpress site to a new host?
What is a transitive dependency in maven?
Explain me what is the use of header() function in php?
What are closures in python?
What are examples of beings and cells that use amoeboid movements for locomotion?
can we modify the name of root business unit?
How do I download linux os?
What is stored in a wordpress database?
did you have faults as a leader? Describe the situation.
What is xml data in excel?
What is clean swift architecture?
How can backward compatibility be designed in CSS?