sir if we make purchase and sale for the same pary for the same amount what adjusting entry have to be passed to close that entry in tally. while taking bill wise details we can see the dr. cr.and have to cancell that
2 7866Post New Optimus Interview Questions
What are the different replacement policies ?
What is the procedure to get TIN number and CST number.
List the differences between supervised and unsupervised learning.
Explain what does the function get_magic_quotes_gpc() means?
In oracle forms report, what is the maximum length of record group column? What are the different types of record groups?
At high frequencies, what is the type of noise that becomes of great importance. Explain the use of a delayed ECG?
On the google display network, your ad is eligible to show on a webpage if you’re?
Explain how to find entity relation in siebel tools?
What is activex in vb?
What is usb debugging?
Why resultset is used in java?
which standard datatype in python is immutable?
To create a socket, you need to know the internet host to which you want to connect?
What will happen if a pointer is deleted twice?
Where can you catch exception message?