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NTPC Interview Questions
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What is the rating of your substation and what are the different types of substations?

5 34720

What is meant by Resonance what are the different types of resonance and what are uses of them?

14 46213

how the aspirator pump works?

1 6249

how to caluculate buoyant force in accelerating fluids?

3 8263

what are black holes?

1 5580

Which modulation scheme are having constant energy modulation?

1 8232

In terms of electrical enhineering, give a detailed explanation of the "earth fault loop path"


what is the difference between impulse and reaction turbines ?

40 107849

what is the difference b/w winding insulation class and winding temperature class?

6 17339

A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than how much time does the man reach home usually... ?

8 14673

when does sedimentation occur before filteration, along with it, along with chlorination, after chlorination?

8 13713

what is SAS/Graph?

1 10060

hi i m an EC engg i had cleared written test for PE for BEL plz help be for interview provide me full information about intrvw as much as u can.. thankx..

14 23774

why the generating voltage in India is 11kV or why is it be transmitted as multiples of 11

34 116301

why free wheeling diode is connected across inductive load

16 55315

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Explain how to deal with a customer who denies paying for the product?


What are slice and dice? : sap bobi


Will width property uses full width of browser?


How to multiple AJAX requests be run simultaneously in jQuery?


What is the difference between servlet and jsp?


How to calibrate the flow transmitter


Why is orm used?


What is nested structure with example?


What is called in unix?


What is the meaning of typedef struct in c?


What is difference between e-r modeling and dimensional modeling?


What is class and object in


Which command allows you to duplicate files?


How to create an Https Server using Node.js?


What is the use of console readline () in c#?