The multi-purpose river valley project of Karnataka is (a) Damodar (b) Bhakra (c) Tungbhadra (d) Kosi
10 20952As jobs become more team-oriented, assessment centers will be used more often for non-management jobs. Do you agree or diagree?
1908How can we communicate as realistic a picture as possible of a job and of the organization to prospective employees? What kinds of issues are most crucial to them?
1913if you are handling distribution network,could you tell me yourself on that field ? and also tell me ROI at the point of Company ,Wholeseller,retailers.
1755Post New Nestle Interview Questions
What is R Base package?
What is the use of hooks in codeigniter?
What are the limitations of the karnaugh map?
Tell me what is difference between view and materialized view?
what is a correlated sub-query? : Sql server database administration
In banking domain how many Fact tables,Dimension table are present?
Where should I install the cloud connector?
Can any body worked in QA in Finincail / Trading experience. i appreciate if you ans my some questions.
What are the main components in android?
Explain the term shell.
What is the use of maven in selenium?
What happens when too much cylinder oil is injected in the working cylinder?
What is the relationship that exists inside in E-R diagram?
How do you integrate git with jenkins?
what is people management?