The multi-purpose river valley project of Karnataka is (a) Damodar (b) Bhakra (c) Tungbhadra (d) Kosi
10 20952As jobs become more team-oriented, assessment centers will be used more often for non-management jobs. Do you agree or diagree?
1908How can we communicate as realistic a picture as possible of a job and of the organization to prospective employees? What kinds of issues are most crucial to them?
1913if you are handling distribution network,could you tell me yourself on that field ? and also tell me ROI at the point of Company ,Wholeseller,retailers.
1755Post New Nestle Interview Questions
Create table employee (eno int(2),ename varchar(10)) ?
What is a windows server containers?
Write a program to compute the similarity between two strings - The program should get the two strings as input - Then it will output one single number which is the percentage of similarity between the two strings
How many types of loops are there in python?
Explain report variant for off-cycle activities.
Do most hackers use linux?
How to define a record variable to store a table row?
Give some examples of web applications that are used in our day to day life.
Is zend_cache provides a generic way to cache any data?
What is redolog file? Path?
What is the standard group condition routine in condition type, what is its importance?
What are the stages in the development cycle?
What is fluid layout in bootstrap?
Explain how to convert binary to gray code and vice-verse?
Can you tell how many values can set the function of mysql to consider?