Post New Ness Technologies Human Resources Interview Questions
what do you mean by quasi fermi level?
What is the use of sort command?
What is thin and thick client?
What is the difference between json and ajax?
How to add custom javascript and css file in magento
What is compliance and what is the procedure of statutory compliance. Also can anybody send me the procedure for the same purpose. Thanks and Regards, HEERA KAMBOJ
What is key set driven?
Explain about builtinadministrator?
How are forms created in react?
what are the different phases in delivering the project during development and maintenance?
What is the limitation for loan from pvt ltd company to other sole proprietor company suppose 25 lakhs given. what is the rule at the time of income tax point of view. Please clarify anybody....
Is jmstemplate thread safe?
RRB exam model questions pls forward.
in terms of dns, what is a caching-only server? : Windows server 2008
A developer is trying to create a view and the database won’t let him. He has the "developer" role which has the "create view" system privilege and select grants on the tables he is using, what is the problem?