When you say String is immutable, what do you mean by that? Say I have String s = "Ness" s= s+"Technologies"; What will happen? If the value gets appended, then what is the meaning of immutable here?
5 15890when we create singleton design then we create private constructtor..so how JVM take private constructor to make object..but it's private..
1 4903The following program is Overloading or Overriding? public class PolymorphismEx { public int sampleMethod(int a) { return a; } public String sampleMethod(int a) { return "Is it Overloading or Overriding???"; } }
4 6519Post New Ness Technologies Core Java Interview Questions
what is scope of a protected internal member variable of a c# class
What are the differences between user defined functions and stored procedures?
What is the purpose of fadetoggle() method in jquery?
What are the two components of html attributes?
Describe the two major pathways in the visual system of the primate. Why are there so many visual cortical areas?
If you have to operate your account, what are the various ways you can take?
Can you assign an anonymous function to a variable and pass it as an argument to another function?
What does amazon aws do?
Where can I get linux for my sap business suite?
Please what do you think i have done wrong when i receive a'No form could be determined in the interest calculation form table for the following arguments' after executing in F.26(Customer Interest Scale) calculating interest.
What is the basis for framing the rules of block diagram reduction technique?
What is hibernate and its relation to sql?
Why do we need storage keys?
Explain systematic sampling?
Tell me what are static member functions?