Post New NDA General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
junior engineeer (railway previous questions)
What is interactive mode in apache pig?
Explain what is postback in asp. Net?
Can you tell me about data import wizard?
Explain me what is the use of header() function in php?
Define iso?
List the different conditions that can be specified in a counting rule.
Please tell me about the eim tables and base tables are required to your entities?
What do you mean by windows authentication?
Are there any interfaces to database packages in python?
How important are keywords from the online marketing perspective?
How you can add an event handler?
What is a birthday attack?
Does case harden steel properties detoriates over time? Especially for guns, parts like bolt carrier, the brand new parts has been kept for 10 year and properly oiled. I am worried about its surface hardness to take the blow during firing.
Explain how should I upgrade from exchange 5.5 to exchange 2003?