if the address of a[1,1] and a[2,1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in what order?
4 25299Post New NASA Interview Questions
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Is map ordered in java?
What is cocoa touch framework in ios?
Is c# used for any core features of windows vista?
How is redux different from flux?
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work of choke in florocent tube circuit ?
column A column b | output 10 7 | 10 5 8 | 8 7 -9 | 7 3 5 | 5 0 6 | 6 Write a sql query to print such output.
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What are pivot tables used for in excel?
What are pl/sql cursors?
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what does a special set of tags do in PHP?
What the .sca files and mention their importance?
How to create tag?