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Mind Tree C Interview Questions
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How to reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory?

31 97318

What are volatile variables?

1 4413

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not affected.. if bitnum=10(say.. it can be any no..

10 28976

write a program to copy the string using switch case?


write a function that accepts an integer/char array and an search item.If the search item is there in the array return position of array and value else return -1.without using other array,without sorting,not to use more than one loop?

3 4425

how to find anagram without using string functions using only loops in c programming

1 9562

how to print 2-D array using a single for loop?

2 7203

please explain clearly about execution of c program in detail,in which stage are the printf sacnf getting into exeecutable code


string reverse using recursion


Input is "Jack and jill went up a hill" To print output is 1-letter word(s)-1 2-letter words-1 3-letter words-1 4-letter words-4

1 12094

Write a function that accepts a sentence as a parameter, and returns the same with each of its words reversed. The returned sentence should have 1 blank space between each pair of words. Demonstrate the usage of this function from a main program. Example: Parameter: “jack and jill went up a hill” Return Value: “kcaj dna llij tnew pu a llih”

5 18323

count the numbers between 100 and 300, that star with 2 and ends with 2

5 13985

Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it.

1 5095

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Mind Tree C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How many types of stored procedure?


Tell me your experience with CI?


How many gb is windows 10 64 bit?


In which header file does one find isalpha() a) conio.h b) stdio.h c) ctype.h


What are 3 ways to get a count of the number of records in a table?


How can you pass multiple complex types in Web API?


Can you call a jsp from the servlet?


What Is Loan Management System?


What is Removing border-touching objects?


How do I recover files after windows update?


what is std info set? where it is used?


What is python unit test?


Which are the most abundant metal and third abundant element in the earth crust?


Explain why cannot we use leds for rectification purpose?


How do I unzip multiple folders at once?