while we using change capture stage we have to be take two table thats are 1.before table 2. after table . what is before table and after table please give me clear notation Thank You very much in advance
2 7073Post New MGL Data Stage Interview Questions
What are the steps within sap bi to create classes for bw?
what are the new features of SharePoint 2013?
How to use the TUpdateSQLProvider.OnUpdateRecord method ?
Write a shell script that adds two numbers if provided as the command line argument and if the two numbers are not entered throws an error message.
What are the major built-in objects in ASP.NET?
What are the names of interfaces that are added to a lightning component to allow it to be used as custom tabs, and to be used in lightning and community builder?
What are the features you would look while selecting a tool for automation anywhere?
What are the effects of electrical faults?
What's the difference between vbscript and vb.net?
What is data abstraction in php?
Is it possible to fire validation only for records which is being getting updated not to newly inserted records?
What is scope rule in c?
Consider an enterprise wide system that you will be designing. The system’s purpose is file sharing, database‐dependent application delivery, OLTP and web application delivery. There will be 4 servers for each of these applications. If you were provided with a strict requirement for two‐tier architecture but had to accommodate over 5000 users what technologies and innovative methods would you use to facilitate the operation of such a system. (Note that twotier architecture has scalability issues in terms of number of users)
Area classification, Equipments, Gas groups, temperature classification, Ingress protection, Fire Extinguishers.
What is notching?