How to manage apache logs?
Mention the name of some methods to deal with the overfitting in tensorflow.
What is latest version of excel?
if the goods are purchased against H Form, is there any specified time limit winthin which they should be exported?; if yes then wat is that limit?
tell me something about visa inc.
What are the various types of selection screen event?
Is c easier than java?
What is the difference between `{'ngfor'}` and `{`ngforof`}` in angular 2?
Why is used in python?
what would a system restore do?technically what would it do
What should one use for plugin development — custom post types or custom database tables?
What are some commonly encountered exceptions in selenium?
Explain the use of broadcast variables
Is it a better option to procure screw type air compressor rather than reciprocating air compressor?If so, what is the reason?How should we select an air compressor(100 CFM)? Please mention the important parameters of air compressor.
Why chararray() is preferred over string to store the password?