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Mascot Interview Questions
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CPU - abbrevation

2 4500

Windows NT- What NT stands for?

9 14243

One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)

4 10664

DMA - abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access,Disk memoryaccess)

4 6591

What is meant byStatic Variable ?

7 9883

What is meant by QUEUE?

4 10277

What is meant by STACK?

5 14608

Difference between 80286 and 80287

2 10777

Binary tree?

1 6212

Struct(s) { int a; long b; } Union (u) {int a; long b; } Print sizeof(s)and sizeof(u) if sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long)=4

2 5806

Switch (i) i=1; case 1 i++; case 2 ++i; break; case 3 --i; Output of i after executing the program

5 9100

char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above program ? (0, ASCII 0, I,unpredictable)

7 12942

Unsigned char c; for ( c=0;c!=256;c++2) printf("%d",c); No. of times the loop is executed ?

8 18692

int i; i=2; i++; if(i=4) { printf(i=4); } else { printf(i=3); } output of the program ?

15 18004

what is FAT?.

12 18153

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the purpose of t3 in weblogic server?


Does it cost money to host a podcast?


What is always throw exception on timeout?


Where in the sale order would you enter the serial numbers for material?


Explain me what is semaphore?


Explain about the validation steps which have to be carried during validation of client-side address?


What is the difference between an inputsplit and a block?


Hi SD Gurus, I am applying for a position of SAP SD End user. In job description, they asked for Calender/Scheduling Experience. Could you please tell me about this Calender/Scheduling Experience in detail.Thanks in advance.


What are the steps involved in creating a bounded service through aidl?


Why should selenium be selected as a test tool?


How do I save an excel 2007 file as a pdf?


Why union all is faster than union?


what is kribs is supporting?


what is the water-cement ratio of mix design while 30mpa in 7 days?


What is an oracle user role?