If a company X selects you there and then itself and you join the company, After 15 days Company Y (a bigger company than X) who you had earlier given an Interview asks you to join them, and also offer you a bigger salary and Incentives, What will you do?
5 9362Post New Mafoi Interview Questions
Is there a cloud version of sap vora? : hana vora
What are the modules of spring framework?
I have a list of wagetypes. To get those wagetypes which infotype needs to be created?? Is there any table available to know this?? I have already tried V_T512Z but i don't have access to that table in my client system.
What is hybridyzation ? How can i find that which type hybridyzation in perticular compound like in CH4(hy is sp3).
Why fastload support to empty table?
Why is a database better than a spreadsheet?
What is unix for?
how does the quality of service is being maintained in the cloud architecture?
Why does heat cause matter to expand?
How can we Validate a Controls in ASP.NET page using JavaScript?
You are a project manager for Cinema Snicker Productions. Your company specializes in producing comedy films for the big screen. Your latest project has just been completed and accepted. You've been given your next project, which starts right away. Which of the following is true? A. This project ended due to extinction because it was completed and accepted. B. This project ended due to integration because it was completed and accepted and the project manager moved on to a new project. C. This project ended due to addition because it was completed and accepted and archived into the company's catalog of available films. D. This project ended due to integration because it was completed and accepted.
Which monkey has the biggest nose?
How do I create a stored procedure in dbml?
How do I unhide tabs in excel 2016?