What is cold backup, hot backup, warm backup recovery?
can you please explain me pre session and post session options?
I need the complete syllabus and model Question paper for Written exam of JINDAL STEEL AND POWER LTD.,for MECHNAICAL ENGINEERING branch
how to export outlook folders to another format?
In explain what way is the voltage follower a special case of the non-inverting amplifier?
Who are naive users?
what are your thoughts on SPRINT duration
Explain about SAP GRC module?
The output of the rectifier pulsating in nature, it consists of a desired dc component of voltage and unwanted ripple components. These ripple components are removed by placing filter circuit at the output of the rectifier.
How might you make trailing X month measurements by means of DAX against a non-standard timetable?
Up to what time we can show TDS Receivables under Advance Income Tax A/c?
What is a boot-strap program?
What is name hiding in c++?
Is security a cross cutting concern?
How can you write multiple line comment?