Plz give me the details about how to introduce ourself like the conventional question that is mostly asked at MNCs...."Tell me about u r self"???
41 72019Post New iTronics Interview Questions
What is pls_integer in pl sql?
What is the type of 'this' pointer?
What is the relationship between cop of heating and cooling ?
What is cohesion in oop?
Define the term factor of inertia.
What is strong name in c# and how can we use it?
Explain the use of fragment caching.
What is the architecture of android?
How do you explain independent and dependent variables?
What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
How to print/display the first line of a file in Unix?
Explain "beforesend(xhr)" paremeter of jquery ajax method?
What is definition of ms excel?
What are the distinctive features of a ksda, key sequenced dataset?
What does this do? Gacutil /l | find /i "corillian"