1.Are the private insurance companies safe? 2.If any private insurance company all of suden close or meeting loss, What they should return the invest money to policy holders? 3.What is defferance between govt insurance and private companies? 4.Somebody saying ICICI produntial company met loss his property. The organisation telling What we can do?share is down so you people will get very less amount? Is it true?
1 4505Post New IRDA Interview Questions
Explain the difference between swing and jsf.
What will be the output of log (-5.8) when executed on r console?
How To Create A Organizational Group?
How do you customize a ribbon?
What are the ways by which hibernate can be accessed using spring?
How do I debug php?
How should requirements on middleware performance be characterized?
Is Joomla a Blog?
Does hibernate use jdbc?
Define exec cics retrieve?
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What is the difference between http and https?
what are the activation groupworks?
Explain conductivity?
Binding of instructions and data to memory?