1.Are the private insurance companies safe? 2.If any private insurance company all of suden close or meeting loss, What they should return the invest money to policy holders? 3.What is defferance between govt insurance and private companies? 4.Somebody saying ICICI produntial company met loss his property. The organisation telling What we can do?share is down so you people will get very less amount? Is it true?
1 4505Post New IRDA Non Technical Interview Questions
What is the difference between @autowired and @qualifier?
What are su56 t-codes used for?
What is data stream and data adaopter?
why does the selected column have to be in the group by clause or part of an aggregate function? : Sql dba
How do you feel u contributed to its effectiveness?
What is aws spark?
What is column ordering in Bootstrap?
cost accounting process
Explain the difference between realloc() and free() in c++?
What is unix operating system used for?
Why do all model object attributes get marked with @dynamic and not synthesised?
How To Update A Dependency Using Npm?
Did you used the panel module? If yes then what is the use of that?
How do we fetch the data from two different tables without using two different tables?
What is the difference between @component and @controller?