types of receipts and detail desription about recipts and tables effected by receipts?
Mention what job does the conf class do?
How do you make a powerpoint slide 20 seconds?
How many menus will you find on the menu bar? List all of them.
How do laravel facades work?
Name a few sectors which use data warehousing?
why ci and ca splits are not possible in esds and rrds?
Explain why is vlan trunking a security risk?
What are dangling pointers? How are dangling pointers different from memory leaks?
Is oracle a programming language?
do all attribute data types support to restrict all permissions with field level security?
Why power genaration in India is at 50HZ while America its 60HZ
Define a population?
What is a non equi join?
How do you make a picture into a background image of a web page?