I would like to know the type of queations that would be asked in the written test of IOCL for the position Of HR manager.
1664Post New IOCL English Interview Questions
Can we write trigger for view?
what is the difference between constructor and ngoninit?
Explain about cookies in python?
How to handle Events in Angular 5?
What do you understand by data redundancy?
What is ‘man made fibers'?
Explain the difference between a package and a plan.
How do you switch from any user type to a super user type?
Are neural networks helpful in medicine?
Why do we use robots in the industry?
What are the three types of artificial intelligence?
Can you explain about pole discrepancy scheme
What is the use of CONVFMT?
What is effect of harmonic current (Draw by VFD) on power system/ electrical Equipments ?
What is the difference between dictionary and hashtable in c#?