Can you tell me how to create the HRLeaveapproval workflow by using SPDesinger?
What pega 7?
explain isalive() method under thread class?
What's new in ms excel 2019?
Which metal is the best conductor of heat?
What does wsn stand for in internet of things concept?
What is indexof?
Describe the difference between data and database administration.
Why do we use json?
What is unicast in weblogic?
How to ensure fls while working with lightning component? : salesforce lightning component
What is csrf in spring security?
how to get the last 10 elements using logic:iterate in struts with hiernate from database.
How are values assigned to string type and numeric type variables?
How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually (gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?