What are verification and validation and difference between these two?
what is lease accounting?? please explain me....
What is the use of namespace std in C++?
You want to estimate the evaporation through lakes. How would you do it?
if i wanna deploy my asp.net project to the production server and situation is that i m still not compiled my project i have as-is on my development side now on production server we dont have a visual studio now what kind of settings i need to be to do in webconfig /machine.config file to deploy my project and in iis too....
Name some online resources you reference when having css issues.
What is the difference between javascript and ecmascript?
What program opens xsd files?
What are the different functions of excel?
What is rest parameters in javascript?
Do you have any relocation problem?
Tell me what does $("div") will select? : jquery mobile
What is c3p0?
The advantages of Magnetic flux leakage technique over Ultrasonic technique for non distructive testing of material.
What are the various events associated with screen programming?