Does sap vora work with relational data-bases other than sap hana? : hana vora
Why is transistor called a current controlled device ?
how to define global parameter in ile ?
Explain the decision tree algorithm?
Why is telemarketing associated with various types of scams and frauds? : insurance cold calling
Mention the various categories of lead ?
In Third Party sale process, I am getting an error- in MIRO(Error No. M8889-A/c 893010 has been set as not relevant for Tax, but when I want to change the Account Assignment in ME21 it is taking only G/L A/C 893010 and refusing all other G/L A/C's by giving 2 errors. They are ME045-G/L A/c 39010 cannot be used(please correct)and ME038-No direct posting can be made to G/L A/C 34000. Experts please share your knowledge to solve this problem. Warm Regards.
What is iostream in c++ used for?
In bootstrap, how can you create a pills navigation menu?
What are the concerns related to security in the internet of things (iot)?
Explain what is infrastructure in wi-fi?
Hi all, Is there any certification exams available for TCL and Perl. If so please let me know, my mailid is Thanks in advance, Bharathi.P
Which search uses only the linear space for searching? a) Best-first search b) Recursive best-first search c) Depth-first search d) None of the mentioned
Applications installed fine, also generated plugin, but application still not working, in this case which log to see?
How system calculate the actual cost?