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Intelenet Interview Questions
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How to delete particular value in the column of a table.Is it possible or not?if possible give it as in query.

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How to enter binary string literals in ms sql server?


Explain what if a cartesian product pop up block appears when running a report. Does it give wrong values? How to solve this issue?


Can anybody write the test cases for the following scenario. I want to create District. for that, District Code field, District Name field, Reset button, Submit button, Back button are there in the screen. whenever we enter District Code & District Name in the related fields, by clicking on Submit button, District should be created. By clicking on Reset button, all fieds should be cleared. By clicking on Back button, user should navigate to home page. Can you write the test cases for the scenario. I want to know the test case format for the scenario. what procedure is the best. tahnks in advance...


What is the query used to display all tables names in SQL Server (Query analyzer)?


Write a Script for ATM in QTP


In how many ways can a CSS be integrated as a web page?


can you please tell me what the current rate of construction material and different construction labourers charge in bangalore ???


A banker has a seif with a cipher. Not to forget the cipher, he wants to write it coded as following: each digit to be replaced with the difference of 9 with the current digit. The banker chose a cipher. Decipher it knowing the cipher starts with a digit different than 9. I need to write a program that takes the cipher from the keyboard and prints the new cipher. I thought of the following: Take the input from the keyboard and put it into a string or an array. Go through the object with a for and for each digit other than the first, substract it from 9 and add it to another variable. Print the new variable. Theoretically I thought of it but I don't know much C. Could you give me any kind of hint, whether I am on the right track or not?


What do you understand by jdbc driver and explain its types?


What is oma?


Explain the execution of a program in perl.


What is difference between sql and oracle?


What is definition list in html?


Can I dye my wedding dress/bridesmaid dress/formal dress?


How to give two images in background.