Explain liquidity group ratios.
How to send data from jsp to jsp?
What is the Project Accounting in case of Real Estate or Construction Co`s ?
i am working with NBFC- MNC in personal loan dept. I applied for Internal Job Position in banking Division. My overall (10 years) experience in sales and People Management and in Internal Job Posting they require person for backend activity. There will be not repotees and its individual performance job. My Question is 1. If they will ask why you want to change your field form sales to backend job what should I answer? 2. The opening is in Chennai and since 10 year I am in Gujarat so if they ask why you want to change your home town location? Arpan Thakkar
explain the term agent?
Is mysql same as sql?
What are different types of states exist for a thread?
What is the difference between rx lev sub and rx lev full? What you mean by link budget?
How do I move all my files to an external hard drive?
What are the data types present in c?
What is mysqladmin flush hosts?
How would you dynamically allocate a one-dimensional and two-dimensional array of integers?
Explain how does corba support interoperability?
What kinds of programming does Kotlin support ?
Where are sessions stored php?