how many types of callbacks available in ror?
What is Share Certificate?
Is google home artificial intelligence?
Credit card field contains four text boxes. We can validate each textbox separately with conditions but how can we write integrated testcase for all the four?
What are the disadvantages of ale?
why in a swquence network representation, the negetive sequence generated voltage is taken as zero?
How do you set a class path?
How create hibernate cfg xml file?
write the test cases for facility module
I have a scenario where the our unit of measure is Pc. The conversion is 1pc = 2.9768 m2. Now the client is saying that he will give the prices in Cubic meter. The current requiment is we have to derive a conversion ratio between pc (m2) and cbm. Please advice.
What are the advantages of lambda functions?
How assembly versioning in .NET prevent DLL Hell problem?
How can you disable the automating sorting in pivot tables?
How do you link a t1 from the 1st bts to 2nd bts?
Can a hashmap have duplicate keys?