In India Localization how are generating Excise and VAT Invoice number both shippable and non-shippable Sales Orders/Transactions.
what is the relation between reactive power and power factor for the what is the limit of reactive power and power factor
How to make object serializable in java?
In sap script, created 1 form but when its went to production system , client want some changes in 1 (ex - addrss) window, what we will do?
how do u compile rpgle program?
What is aggregate cache in aggregator transformation?
How does xslt transform xml?
Explain animal pole?
what are the key words you must use when using a subfile?
What is your principle to understand a device practically? Can you give the demonstration in front of the customer?
How many clustered indexes can u create for a table in dwh? In case of truncate and delete command what happens to table, which has unique id.
show answer/ calculate-1-2-4 ratio-concrete -cement-sand- metal-water - please brief calculation
Which function cannot be overloaded c++?
Which statement would I use and why?
What is the diff between vb mdi form and .net mdi form?