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Impetus Interview Questions
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If U have Test Cases already prepared and u have to just excute those test cases in a very short time then how will U decide which test cases has to be excuted first. Is there any technique ?

8 13246

Find out the bug in this code,because of that this code will not compile....... #include #include #include using namespace std; class balance { double cur_bal; char name[80]; public: balance(double n, char *s) { cur_bal = n; strcpy(name, s); } ~balance() { cout << "Destructing "; cout << name << "\n"; } void set(double n, char *s) { cur_bal = n; strcpy(name, s); } void get_bal(double &n, char *s) { n = cur_bal; strcpy(s, name); } }; int main() { balance *p; char s[80]; double n; int i; try { p = new balance [3]; // allocate entire array } catch (bad_alloc xa) { cout << "Allocation Failure\n"; return 1; }

2 5602

What is multiple inheritance ?

17 23450

Tell us about yourself.

47 116303

Tell me one Reason to reject you?

34 70015

What is difference between JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and CLR (Common language Runtime) ?

7 20009

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Descriptive programing and Object repository in QTP??

1 28505

i want how to repair registry

6 12708

How can take AD backup in Windows 2003 server

8 14899

what is testdata

8 9626

What are the advantages of using sql server over ms access or why should one use sql instead of ms access

2 12649

What is the uses of invoices? how many types of invoices, and difference between invoice and voucher, invoice and bill?

1 16102

How to freely move a ball in graphics mode.


what is .NET framework architecture ??


What will be the output- for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { printf("%d",i); continue; i++; }

5 18913

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Un-Answered Questions

Explain the difference between projectile motion and trajectory?


What is a data structure java?


What is the difference between change event in normal combobox and dbcombobox?


what is the Relationship between EJB and CORBA architecture?


Explain Working with Time-Dependent workflow in Salesforce?


What is a table in ms word?


How to write a test cases for the following Please it is urgent Once user clicks that link Invite Friend page opens up thru which user can do 2 functions - first is to search friends detail(name, mail id) from her address book in other sites (india times, yahoo, gmail and rediff) and second to mail the invite to the selected person/s. User can send invite to multiple person at same time. Searching friends detail in other address books will work like this: - User will input name, email id, pwd etc, select from which site she want to get friends list and then click on Import. - Users address book from other sites will be imported in one shot(first time) to iDiva database. - It will be arranged in alphabetical order(complete list) and mail ids which are already used will be in different color. - User will be able to update her address book by clicking on ""Refresh"" button on the page, which will trigger the process again, and fetch new mail ids.


How do I run iis express?


What is an example of tangible property?


How to get the index of the clicked field in reports in ABAP?


Explain why data cleansing is essential and which method you use to maintain clean data?


Does the ATCC do MAP (mouse antibody production) testing?


What is motion tween?


what ports are used by dhcp and the dhcp clients? : Windows server 2003


Define mapping and session?