What do you understand by personnel structure?
How do I fix a windows 10 update error?
how to use self join using datastage ? can u tell me using stage how can we implemnet the self join
How will you write a custom partitioner for a Hadoop job?
Name the instrument which measures its speed in a car?
what are confirmed dimension? We alwys give date as a conformed dimension but if it has different format for different contries say YYMMDD for italy and MM-DD-YYYY for france.Then are they not confirmed.
what is the role of Actuarial Analyst in the insurance company?
Write the command to start and stop the spark in an interactive shell?
What are the custom settings? Types?
Can you pl explain the procedure steps of singly and doubly reinforced beams in limit state method
What is the use of placement new?
Do you know what is the current version of wordpress?
What is surrogate key? Explain with examples.
Can test condition,testcase and testscript help u in performing the static testing
What is capacity in vector in c++?