Explain the access modifiers for a class, method and variables?
How do we manage concurrent request?
what is organic profit? and how it is calculated?
why to use freewheeling diode ( diode in revers bias mode) across dc coil
How to RD using transformer?
How do you verify whether a database is updated when passing the data through front end?
Is angular js is a library, framework or plugins?
can anyone tell me can the electromagnetic waves can be reflected back?if so how &by which material it can be reflected back?please tell me so that it can help to my wireless power trasnmission device.
Explain some of the controls setup during the configuration of internal order types in the co module?
I have COG-132, COG-112 Latest Dec-2009 dump. If anybody need these dumps. Please send me a mail to certcert2009@gmail.com.
how to select a pump (in hp) for lifting water from a Borewell upto a height of 320feet? Is there any thumb rule?
Tell us about the stages (phases) of the jsp life cycle.
What is Rest API ?
Is it better to learn python or r?
What is minus?