write a procedure to print a statement or number not using "dbms_output.put_line" package.write a procedure instead of it using procdure name as "print" ex:- declare a number:=2; begin print(a); end; /* when U type above procedure 2 have to should be printed*/
2 6103Post New iFlex Interview Questions
Explain the advantages & disadvantages of soap web services?
What are constants and how to create constants in java?
What is the difference between Nationalized bank and Private Bank?
why earth have -ve charge
Explain in an orderly manner how the force in the member of a truss be detected using the method of joint.
How do active server pages work?
Explain what is wi-fi technology?
List some important tools in adobe photoshop?
What is predicate in linq?
What are the features of presto?
Differentiate between future contract and forward contract?
What is orm in mvc?
List out the software quality practices through the software development cycle?
Should I use double or float?
What are the static and dynamic dashboards?