write a procedure to print a statement or number not using "dbms_output.put_line" package.write a procedure instead of it using procdure name as "print" ex:- declare a number:=2; begin print(a); end; /* when U type above procedure 2 have to should be printed*/
2 6103Post New iFlex Interview Questions
The screw thread commonly used for transmission of motion is one of the following types of threads
What are the protocols supported by wcf hosting environment? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
What's the difference between windows 10 and windows 10s?
Whether any commands are used for months calculation? If so, what are they?
Do you think banking sector plays an important role in boosting the Indian economy?
Mention what does the hierarchical profiler does?
Mention what is awb?
What data structure underlies a python list?
What is setbase c++?
How do you make an excel table sortable?
What are the different techniques used in offpage seo?
can 2 tier architecture can be change as a 3 tier architecture
What are the responsibilities of a data analyst?
What is ctrl g in excel?
what do you actually do and how it differs from what you thought you would be doing when you started work and what problems you had to overcome and what recommendations you have for someone who is just starting out in your field?