Please give me the mixing ratio for higher grades of concrete (M30, M35, M40, M45, M50) using cement, VSI sand (Maharashtra) and metal. In case any other additives are supposed to be added to my concrete please let me know about that as well.
1 2991Post New Core Consultants Interview Questions
What is c language in simple words?
Explain the controllers in laravel?
What do you mean by value field groups? : co-pa
what are carbondioxide and dcp used in fire extinguishers
Explain what in case if my house completely damagein, fire or flood,and if I stay in a rented house, will insurance company bear all my additional living expenses? : insurance sales
Is java important for my computer?
Explain the different type of flows. Define in scenario based where you used and worked?
In BO 3.1, we had "dashboard builder". What is the nomenclature for the same in BO BI 4.0?
What are strain gauges?
how the inner and outer body is separated in aircrafts?
Have you caused any huge mistakes for the bank?
Which language unix is written?
A cylindrical wire is compressed in length by 10%. The percentage decrease in the resistance will be?????
Why do you require laboratory temperature for viscosity determination?
What are the advantages of service applications over ssp?